Lizzie DiFiore - Illustrator
Do you need some magical realism to translate tough times? I’m a freelance illustrator specializing in children’s picture book illustration, though I also do decorative illustration, video and board games, and other commissions. My favorite stories to work on are personally and emotionally impacting, displaying kids and/or adults dealing with big emotions (like anxiety or empathy) and interpersonal relationships (like kids and their parents, family members, or friends).
When I’m not life drawing in some local coffee shop I love looking for new places to adventure with friends. I’m still new to New England (originally hailing from Western New York) and have enjoyed getting to know the area.
I am the Immediate Past President of the Graphic Artists Guild and a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
I’m making waves! Check out what I’ve been up to:
Member Spotlight: Your New Guild Officers
I’ve been elected as the next President of the Graphic Artists Guild!
We’re excited to introduce the new generation in Guild leadership: President-Elect Liz Difiore, Treasurer Yanique DaCosta, and Secretary Beverley Delay. Each brings fresh ideas and new energy, and each continues the commitment of Guild leadership to creating a better world for professional designers and illustrators of all stripes. We asked each of them to share with us their vision for the Graphic Artists Guild and for our members.
Ask a Pro: Mistakes I’ve Made – Part 2
A webinar presented by Crisy Meschieri and Liz DiFiore
Moderated by Erin M. Harris
Originally aired: October 14, 2020
Join our professionals: Designer, Crisy Meschieri, and Illustrator, Liz DiFiore as they chat about the right (and wrong) ways to run your business, work with clients, and get paid. We’ve all made mistakes: we’ll talk about mistakes they’ve made, how they fixed them, and how they improved their professional practices.
Webinar with panelists Crisy Meschieri and Liz DiFiore
Originally aired: Tuesday, November 19th, 2019.
Join our panelists as they chat about the right (and wrong) ways to run your business, work with clients, and get paid. We’ve all made mistakes: we’ll talk about them, how we fixed them, and how we improved our professional practices.
How the Collective Power of Artists Can Advocate for Workers’ Rights
“In the games industry, it can be hard for people to speak up about their individual rights, particularly for workers from marginalized groups, DiFiore said.” An article by Ross Elliott for Media Planet and USA TODAY on empowering women in game design - 2021.
How a Supreme Court case about Andy Warhol's images of Prince could change the face of art
“The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in a case that could significantly change how courts interpret and enforce copyright protection. Its decision may have sweeping implications for small businesses like DiFiore's all the way up to the nation's best-known streaming services and the multi-billion movie industry.
"Infringement is happening constantly to artists all the time," said DiFiore, a Massachusetts-based illustrator and president of the Graphic Artists Guild.” An article by John Fritze for USA TODAY on the Supreme Court case Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts v. Goldsmith - 2022.